Tuesday, January 6, 2009


yogio = here

So when i'm in a cab and want him to pull over, I just say "yogi" (smarter than the average bear) and point to the curb or crosswalk I want to get dropped off at. The fun part about taking a cab here is that it's totally cool to sit in the front seat. Instead of seeing a cab with one driver and one passenger in the back, the passenger sits up front. It's pretty cool because you get to see more of the street and can keep an easy eye on the meter to make sure they're not ripping you off. That, and more footroom (bonus!) I have been taking a cab since I got a cold. Also because it's a 20-30 minute walk to work which includes an underground subway station decked out with a store that sells suits as well as groceries, jewelry, and alcohol. Just think of a strip mall, underground, and they have the exact same goods as a store 1 subway stop away. Classy.

Today was tough at school. I haven't been sleeping well and it took its toll today on my manners. Kids lost interest, then I lost interest. Going directly out of the book is DIRECTLY the wrong approach for a student like me. Knowing that makes me loathe the camera in the room that recording my class onto a flat screen TV in the lobby. Parents want to get their moneys worth and i'm only teaching them ENOUGH when i'm going directly from the book and sticking to a strict schedule. Maybe if i knew the a little korean i could curse a bit better than my informal english: BULLSHIT. But if these stupid strict parents want to get their moneys worth, maybe they should suggest that the school ACTUALLY TRAIN THEIR TEACHERS.
Just sayin'
Kind of a load

i need sleep but am going out to dinner with Kiwon's parents tonight.
i live less than half a mile from their house. WTF

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you live that close to his parents. Small world. Also, what's wrong with fermented cabbage?

