Sunday, January 25, 2009

my room is only twice as big as the elevator I HAVE TO use

I think it's pretty safe to say that I don't really enjoy going out to clubs or bars. Itaewon is the "westerner" place in Seoul, there are lots of US military guys hanging out down there because that's where the base is. And bars exist to show you a good time... and then exploit every dollar from your pocket. I don't like it. I can buy my own beer for less, drink it as fast or as slow as i want with friends. BUT I HAVE A TINY ROOM. So it's not really convenient to hang out at home, because it's not at all enjoyable to sit in a small room 8 floors up with dirty laundry everywhere.

Also, my room is currently occupying a caged animal. A coworker, Steve, is in Egypt for his week-long vacation. He called me on hurriedly on Saturday to ask if I could watch his pet bunny while he was away. I wasn't keen on the idea because small caged animals don't really do it for me, in terms of owning a pet. Ha-sown had a couple ferrets, and the smell is all i needed to convince myself that it would not be a fun practice in animal keeping. But so far, the bunny is cute and fairly quiet (except for scratching around its cage every once and a while). The only shitty thing is that it's sick. The reason it couldn't stay at the veterinarians office was because it has a stomach parasite, which could get the other animals sick. Steve assured me that humans were immune to the parasite, but i still have to give the tiny little animal medication twice a day. It's a POWDER, which i mix with water, then inject into it's mouth with a plastic syringe (no needles). So yeah, I got to do that this morning and the little girl squirmed around like a... well, like a wild animal. It's ok, i can deal with it, but now Steve owes me.

I still do not have internet in my apartment. I am punching in the letters you're reading at Holly's Coffee, which is where i'm a frequent visitor. They never make me buy anything and i've been coming in here for a solid 2 weeks now. I really just hate coming down here because it means getting into the elevator. I hate walking all the way down the hallway, and then standing there for up to 2 minutes just to get OUTSIDE. Kiwon's family lives on the first floor because Mike, the dad, is afraid of heights. I really wish i didn't have to wait on my floor for a stupid elevator. It tricks my mind into wandering when i wish it didn't... don't really know how to explain how it perturbs me.

I think I could enjoy the Soloville room more if i could get internet, but as it stands, i leave my room to do ANYTHING other than sleeping, bathing, and eating. Literally. So my room's a mess and i don't care because i'm only AWAKE in that room for a few hours a day. And now there's an animal up there. Maybe a cat would be nice, but i think it'd die of boredom.

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