Tuesday, March 24, 2009

the excess

i'm slowly finding the the learning that i'm supposed to be doing each and every day, passively, is the "growing up" that everyone keeps talking about. I've learned several lessons about soju, taxis, shop owners, varieties of menus, and of course, the language of Korea. But I have no idea why the school is run with such an obsession to redundant and idiotic rules. There are 5 different kinds of assignments these kids do:
2 of them are questions about their story book
2 others are summaries of their story book
the last is literally a copy of a page in their workbook.
they do 3 different assignments twice each. And this is called "practice."

It's not practice if you don't have to think

On top of that, I need to start practicing something. I'm thinking either a musical instrument or martial arts. Both would be rather strange to pick up because i'm always working when the general populace is "recreating". If i played anything in my room, i'd likely bother my neighbors, and if i wanted to take martial arts lessons, it could only be on the weekend. Regardless, i'm going to start looking for something productive to do with my time away from work... because my time AT work feels utterly wasted dishing endless peices of paper to asian kids who make fun of my face.

1 comment:

  1. That "recreating" sure does involve a lot of fail @ procreating...whether the attempt is being made or not.

    Learn Korean from your surrogate papa or...or others.

    Learn HTML/CSS/a computer programming language. That way, you won't wake the non-recreating neighbors (if they're not falling over themselves outside spewing ethanol etc. on the ground), nor will you be limited to the weekend that comes and goes in two seconds. ...and extra geek points will assuredly accrue.
