Monday, June 8, 2009

The Prodigal Son Returns


I'm currently overwhelmed with the emotional response of seeing a familiar face here in Korea. It might also be the absolutely divine meal we just ate (galbi... marinated pork sliced moderately thin and cooked on the table in front of you... kind of like brisket but with completely alien spices). I ate a lot, maybe that accounts for the surge of endorphins. But having Kiwon back here makes this place feel like a home more than I ever thought it could. He just got home from his SECOND year abroad... i'm feeling homesick after 6 months. He has been through the culture shock at not only a younger age, but in High School when practically everything comes as a shock. I'm happy to see him mostly because he's grown up a bit and enjoys talking to me and asking me questions (his English has indeed improved) but also because he is someone that I knew before I left for Korea. We both know where he hid his cig butts in the backyard, we both know how good a cook my mom is, and we both know how crazy living in Seoul can be. He's a point of reference. He's like an anchor back to a place and a family and way of life that i miss. Sure, i want to come home, but being abroad just got a whole lot more exciting. I feel great. I'm leaving for Thailand tomorrow and paying for a vacation for the first time in my whole life. I miss you all back home and i will hopefully fill in the past few weeks after i finish packing here in the next few hours.